
AZQuotextreme web application


AZQuotextreme is web app created in ASP.NET AJAX to make quotes, for example by celebrities that use MS Access(for now) to store entries. Every Quote can be voted and authors can be displayed with birthday images and so on.

There is an admin section to create categories and authors. In  main page you can view top voted quotes and random quotes and authors with the search of their quotes
To see Demo Demo




  • Unpack azquotesxtreme.rar
  • Place in a directory under wwwroot of IIS and set it as application
  • Give permission to app_data folder or better another folder
  • Modify Web.config to set jx connection
  • Set permission on images directory and subdirectory
  • Go to /yourfolder/settings.aspx and set your Data
  • Once settings.aspx is executed you have created the admin user, so delete settings.aspx
  • Go to login.aspx for authentication
  • Go to administration.aspx for admin section

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